CUMMINS Idle Speed Adjustment and Fuel Injector Reset by Launch X431 PAD5 LINK HD

It has been tested and confirmed that Launch X431 PAD5 LINK HD can adjust Idle speed, speed limit and reset fuel injector on CUMMINS without any issue. All can be performed with [Service Function] on the main menu of Launch X431 tablet.


1. Cummins Idle Speed Adjustment

Select Service Function>> Idle Speed Adjustment

Read the introduction and tap “TO DIAGNOSE”

Select Cummins>> Cummins diagnostic software (i.e. V16.60)>> System Automatic

Select Adjustable Low Idle Speed>> Low Idle Speed

The current value is 610

Enter the new value (i.e.602) and click “Apply”

The new value has been written to the ECM successfully

Back to the previous page

Select “Low Idle Speed Adjustment Switch”

The current value is “Enable”

Input “0” and click “Apply”

Follow the on-screen prompt to operate

Finally, the current value turns to “Disable”


2. Cummins Speed Limit Adjustment

Select Service Function>> Speed Limit Adjustment

Read the introduction and tap “TO DIAGNOSE”

Select Cummins>> Cummins diagnostic software (i.e. V16.60)

Click “OK”

Select “System Automatic”

Follow the on-screen prompt to stop the engine and turn off the ignition switch when refreshing features and parameters (during setting)!

Select “Road Speed Governor”

Select another “Road Speed Governor”

Select “Maximum Accelerator Vehicle Speed”

The current value is 90

Modify the value (e.g. 100)

After that, click “Apply”

Turn the key switch off and then click “OK”

Wait a while until the program is successful

Turn the key switch on and then click “OK”

All parameters were written successfully to the ECM

The current values turn to the modification value.


3. Cummins Fuel Injector Reset

Select Service Function>> Oil Mantenance Reset

Read the introduction and tap “TO DIAGNOSE”

Select Cummins>> Cummins diagnostic software (i.e. V16.60)>> System Automatic

Select “Fuel Injector Reset”

Select “Number of Cylinders” and tap “Reset”

Click “Select all” to select the injector on all cylinders

Then click “OK”

All injector reset commands have been sent to ECM.


The following Launch X431 Tools can support the above special functions on CUMMINS perfectly.

Launch X431 PAD5 LINK HD (PAD V Elite with SmartLink C+ Launch X431 HD Heavy Duty Truck Software License and Adapters)

Launch X431 PAD7 LINK HD (PAD VII Elite with SmartLink C+ Launch X431 HD Heavy Duty Truck Software License and Adapters)

Launch X431 V+ SmartLink HD (PRO3 LINK HD)

Launch X431 PRO3S+ SmartLink HD