How to Enable SCN Coding Menu for Launch X431 PAD VII and PAD V?

Launch X431 PAD V and PAD VII support online programming, but the SCN coding menu may disappear in some regions. It can be enabled by changing the onlineflash and flash values. Check the guide below.


Enable SCN Coding Menu:

Go to Other modules>> Files>> file management (internal storage)>> cnlaunch folder>> X431PADV or X431PADVII>> assets directory and find the file named stdcfg.ini


Open stdcfg.ini with a text editor


Click the Edit button at the top right to make the file in the editing state, and find the onlineflash and flash fields, the default value is 0, which means that the diagnostic software does not support online programming.


Click the corresponding field, change the value to 1, and save.


After saving successfully, the corresponding value will change to 1, indicating that the diagnostic software can support the online programming function.


Now the SCN coding function is enabled.


Kindly notice:

X-431 PAD V/X-431 PAD VII online programming is limited to North America. When you use the above method to enable the SCN coding menu, it can also be used in other regions. The SCN coding function menu will not be displayed on the home page but can be found on the corresponding diagnostic interface.


Read also:

How to Set Launch X431 Pro5 BMW/Benz Online Programming Function?