How to Install and Activate Launch X431 PC Adapter Software on Win10?

The Launch X431 X-Prog3 PC Adapter works with the Launch X-Prog3 Immobilizer Programmer and PC software to perform various tasks such as ECU read and write, data processing, anti-theft shutdown, and file verification. For first-time users, the device requires software download, installation, and activation before operation.


Key Information

Compatibility: X431 X-Prog3 PC Adapter software supports Windows 7 and Windows 10 operating systems.

Windows 10: Requires the driver installation, followed by device connection for operation.

Windows 7: Requires driver updates and COM PORT configuration before use.

This guide provides step-by-step instructions for software installation on Windows 10 as an example.


1.Download X431 X-Prog3 PC Adapter Software

Visit the official website:

Navigate to Service & Support >> Download.

Locate and download X-PROG3 PC Adaptor PC Tools (98804).

Click Download and choose the desired language file.

Save the setup file on your desktop.


2.Install X431 X-Prog3 Adapter PC Software and Driver

Extract the downloaded folder titled IMMOPROG_PC_EN_setup.

Open the IMMOPROG_PC_EN_setup application.

Follow the on-screen prompts to complete the X-PROG3 PC Adapter setup.

When the driver installation window appears, click Install to complete the driver setup.

Ensure the driver installation is successful.


3.Connect the X431 X-Prog3 and PC Adapter

Use a cable to connect the X431 X-Prog3 PC Adapter to the computer.

Then, connect the X-Prog3 PC Adapter to the GIII device.

Open the installed PC software.

Verify that the device is successfully connected.


4.Activate the X-431 X-Prog3 PC Adapter

The activation interface will appear automatically after device connection.

The Serial Number will be automatically recognized.

Enter the Activation Code manually, which is available inside the password envelope by scraping the coated area.

Click Activate to complete the activation process.