What is Launch X431 Pro5 SmartLink?


What is Launch X431 Pro5 SmartLink? What is the difference between it and X431 Pro5 Smartbox?


Here is the answer from launchx431.fr engineer:

X431 Pro5 SmartLink (new) has a similar hardware configuration as X-431 Pro5 Smartbox (old).

Both support local diagnosis, BMW/Benz online programming, and J2534 OEM programming.


Main differences:

  • The new X431 Pro5 comes with Smartlink C 2.0 passthru that supports local diagnosis and super remote diagnosis, but the old Pro5 comes with Smartbox 3.0 VCI which only supports local diagnostic mode.
  • The new Pro5 has an Android 10.0 operating system, 2.0Ghz 4-core processor CPU, 1280X 800 full HD screen and doesn’t support storage expansion. Old Pro5 has an Android 9.0 operating system, 1.8Ghz 8 core CPU,1920X1200 full HD IPS screen, and supports storage expandable to +128Gb.
  • The new X431 Pro5 has a Type-C connector that can directly connect with X431 Key ProgrammerX431 i-TPMS ToolX431 X-Prog3 to perform key programming, 315/433MHz Sensors’s activation, programming, relearning and diagnosis, and ECU &TCU clone.
    X431 Pro5 SmartBox (old) doesn’t have a Type-C connector, but you can buy an extra OTG USB Micro to USB-C adapter to perform the same functions mentioned as the new Pro5


Check the comparison table below carefully.

Item Launch X-431 Pro5 SmartLink Launch X-431 Pro5 Smartbox
Operating system Android 10.0 Android 9.0
CPU 2.0Ghz 4-core processor 1.8Ghz 8 core
Internal memory 4GB 4GB
Storage 32GB 32GB, expandable to +128Gb
Screen 10.1 1280X 800 full HD 10.1 1920X1200 full HD IPS
Battery 7000mAh 7000mAh
WiFi 2.4 and 5Ghz 2.4 and 5Ghz
Cameras front 5MP, Rear 8MP front 5MP, Rear 8MP
IP Restriction No IP Restrictions Global Version, No IP limitation
Full Bidirectional Active Test Yes Yes
Full system diagnostic Yes Yes
Dual diagnostic Mode Yes, local diagnostic mode and super remote diagnostic mode No, only local diagnostic mode
ECU Coding Yes Yes
Service Function 50 service reset: ABS Bleeding/TPS/Oil light service reset/EPB/TPMS/CVT/SAS/Battery Registration/IMMO/Suspension reset/Sunroof reset and etc. 50 service reset: ABS Bleeding/TPS/Oil light service reset/EPB/TPMS/CVT/SAS/Battery Registration/IMMO/Suspension reset/Sunroof reset and etc.
Online database Purchase European professional software license pack in Mall (contains CarSET Pro database) No
VCI SmartLink C 2.0 SmartBox 3.0
Super Remote Diagnostics Yes, with Smartlink 2.0 and Smartlink remote diagnosis license (will come in May or June 2024) No
VCI Parameter RAM 256M Cortex-A7+Cortex-M7
ROM 8GB Linux OS
Local Diagnosis: WiFi/BT/USB RAM 256M
SmartLink Remote Diagnosis: WiFi/Ethernet ROM 8GB
3.97-inch TFT screen, 320*480 resolution WiFi: 2.4GHz/5GHz dual-band
USB: Type-C No Type-C
Connection Bluetooth (Local diagnosis)

Ethernet (remote diagnosis)

FCA AutoAuth Access Security Gateway (SGW) Optional Optional
Passthru J2534 flashing Yes Yes
DoIP Yes Yes
Adaptation, coding Yes Yes
ADAS calibration functions Optional Optional
IMMO programming X-PROG3 X-PROG3
VAG Guided Function Yes Yes
Add Modules to Expand Features ADAS Calibration Toolkit; VSP-600 VideoScope; X431 TPMS TSGUNBST360 Bluetooth Battery Tester; X-PROG & X-PROG3 Immobilizer ADAS Calibration Toolkit; VSP-600 VideoScope; X431 TPMS TSGUN; BST360 Bluetooth Battery Tester; X-PROG & X-PROG3 Immobilizer
HD Support optional HD truck package optional HD truck package
Update 2 Years free update 2 Years Free Update
Vehicle coverage 150+Brands Vehicles from 1996-2022, Support HD protocol Vehicles coverage with over 100+ worldwide makes from America, Europe and Asia
AutoVIN Scan Yes Yes
WiFi Printer Optional Optional


2024 New Launch X431 PRO5 Diagnostic Scanner With SmartLink 2.0 VCI:
