BMW 2011 F10 520i Edit FA Adaptive Headlight Disabled by Launch X431 PAD V/VII

The car is a BMW 2011 F10 520i edit FA (vehicle order), and the dashboard appears as an “Adaptive Headlights failure”. This issue can be solved with Launch X431 PAD V/PAD VII.


Disable Adaptive LED Headlight guide:

1. Do a full system diagnosis

Go to the “Local Diagnose” function

Select BMW>> BMW Diagnostic software V51.35>> Automatically Search

Detect the vehicle info successfully

Select High-speed Scan in the “System Topology” option

Go to “System List” to check the fault codes

The headlight replacement with aftermarket FA (vehicle order) needs to be edited

2. Retrofit ECU

Select Coding/Program>> Retrofit

Get the vehicle’s detailed configuration information

Select “Vehicle Order Change”

Switch off ignition

Wait approx. 10 seconds

Switch on ignition again

Continue to next test step

Confirm vehicle is ready for programming.

The function has to modify the vehicle data, and record the initial data as a backup in case of an error

Select “524” which means Adaptive headlights

Confirm to delete the headlights

Click “NEXT”

Check the FA and confirm to change it

Check the data you want to write to the ECU

Confirm the vehicle is ready for programming

Write the data to the ECU successfully

Diagnose the vehicle to ensure it is OK, and you may also need to record what you change


3. Make a recoding

Select “Coding/Programming” again

Select “Coding”

Select “FRM (Footwell Module)/TSGFA (Driver Door Control Unit)

It will take a long time to encode.

“Whether manually select the integration level of required encoded data?”

Select “No”

Recoding has been completed

After this procedure finishes, there may be a warning light or fault code displayed until the vehicle has completed a road test, and the ignition switched off for 10s and on.


Video guide:

Launch X431 PAD disable BMW Adaptive LED Headlight