Here are the latest FAQs about Launch X431 PAD VII Elite diagnostic tool.
Q: Does Launch X431 PAD VII support online programming in America, Canada, Portugal, or Spain?
A: Not available in Portugal and Spain.
The United States and Canada can only do Mercedes-Benz and BMW online programming.
Q: Can Pad VII program flash in Spain?
A: No support.
Q: Does X431 PAD VII support ECU or TCM programming? For example, write the new software version into Gearbox ECU?
A: Yes, it supports.
Q: I want to do DPF regen, and other functions by X431 PAD7, do I need to buy the extra license online?
A: No need.
Q: Can PAD VII work with X431 X-Prog3 and IMMO software license to do key programming?
A: Yes, it can.
Q: Can PAD VII perform DSG (gearbox) adaptation/adjustment for Skoda karoq 2019 1.6tdi, golf mk6 r 2012, golf mk5 r32 2007 VAG series?
A: Yes, it can.
Q: I want to use PAD VII + EV kit to do Mazda cx-60 hybrid, which cable can I use?
A: You have to measure the line voltage yourself and it will prompt you to use the corresponding cable.
Q: Does Pad vii+ x-prog3 support key programming for Benz truck?
A: Not support.
Q: Does PAD VII have the feature of a chart showing the location of all the electrical parts of the vehicle?
A: Yes, buy the software at US$1915/year in the Mall.
Q: Can Pad VII+X-prog3+MCU3 adapter program key for Ford Mondeo MK5?
A: Use PAD VII and IMMO software.
Q: Can X431 PAD VII open OBFCM function?
A: Not for now.
Q: Does Pad7 support multi-system data stream reading?
A: Not support currently. Only PAD IX LINK supports this feature now.
X431 PAD5 and PAD7 will update this feature in the feature.
To be continued…