How to Fix Launch X431 “Diagnostic Connector Connection Abnormal” Problem?

If the Launch DBscar VII or Smartlink VCI appears “Diagnostic connector connection is abnormal” problem, how to solve it? Check the solution below.


The solution:

First, please select reconnect 3 seconds after the connector restarts successfully (a beeping sound).

If it’s legitimately losing connection to the VCI, try to fix the VCI Firmware Fix in settings.


For Launch X431 V+ 5.0, PRO3S+ V5.0, CRP919E BT, PRO3 APEX, etc with DBScar VII connectors:

Open X431 APP, select User Info>> Firmware Fix>> Press Firmware Fix>> Scan Bluetooth connector

For X431 PAD5/PAD7:

Select User Info>> Fix connector firmware/system>> Fix Connector Firmware or Fix Connector System

If SmartLink VCI turns black screen, do a firmware fix.

Learn more:

Launch X431 Tablet Fix Firmware Guide


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